Anello Orto Botanico Abetone Lago Nero

Anello Orto Botanico Abetone – Lago Nero

Departure from the Botanical Garden of Abetone


Orto Botanico Abetone (PT)


44.126598311081, 10.665184849435


Orto Botanico Abetone (PT)


44.126598311081, 10.665184849435

Distance 9.56 km | Ascent 456 m | Descent -478 m | Highest point : 1,711 m

Easy loop starting from the Botanical Garden of Abetone, above Pian di Novello, along the 104 CAI path, an uphill cart track in the woods. Along the way there is a spring and the Shepherds’ House, a bivouac with outdoor tables and a place to make a fire. At Waypoint 4 we cut the cart track along the E1 path, but you can safely continue on the cart track. Arrive at the Black Lake where the hut offers only water, drinks and coffee (there is also a spring behind the structure). Return by initially following the same route, and then turning onto path 102. Where we left the car there is a structure with indoor and outdoor tables and a fireplace where you can make a fire.