torrente lima

Torrente Lima


44.136023725035, 10.678650987341


44.136023725035, 10.678650987341

The Lima stream has its origin in Tuscany, on the high lands of the Pistoia Apennines, near Abetone. After 40 kilometres, it flows into the Serchio river, of which it is the main tributary. During its journey, it is interrupted by three Enel barriers, dividing it into as many sections, each with distinct characteristics. The first segment, from the source to the confluence with the Limestre stream, has a very low flow rate, similar to the last stretch. The portion that goes from the Limestre to the Giardinetto dam is characterized by the maximum water flow and is particularly suitable for trout fishing. The river, which is still vital today, is home to a considerable number of fish, with trout undoubtedly being the most widespread species along its entire course.